Saturday, April 11, 2009

Brotherly love

Yesterday was such a sweet day for us. A day of remembering what God has done for us, and a time to enjoy our family and friends. In the morning, when I did read alouds, the 3 older kids worked on some stitching. Yes, I will give them all their embroidery hoops next time. This was just fun practice, though. The Artist and Dash stitched bunnies, and Nature Man did a goose.

It was all going along fine, until Little Lad decided that Dash needed some extra lovin'.
Lovin', Lovin', and then he got into some tough love. I can just hear him thinking,
"Oh, fabulous big brother of mine, I love you so much that I will knock you flat down...or maybe use your head as a drum. You are great!"
I would have put a stop to it but...well, Dash didn't really seem to mind.
And Little Lad obviously was not hurting him any.
So I just stood by taking pictures! ;-)
It ended on a good note! :-)

And then we had friends over for supper. Ah, to just relax, eat, talk. Nice evenings.
Tonight we have another fun plan in store. I'll post pictures about it, most likely!


christine said...

Seriously, fabulous pics and I love your collage effect! How do you do that?! You and Mrs. Joe Smiley have these secret ways to make your blogs amazing! Share the love!!

Wendy said...

Chris, you can do collages in lots of programs... from Photoshop to regular little Paint. Easy peasy (really.) Just "paste from" and find your pictures. :-) You can also get photo collages developed this way.