Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Works for Wendy Wednesday-- Word Wall

One of the bloggers that I frequent has Works for Me Wednesday. For the life of me, I can't remember who it is now. So, if it's you, jot me a note and let me know. I appreciate the idea!! And, you know, imitation is the purest form of flattery. :-)

So, today's Works for Wendy is The Word Wall! We used wrapping paper as our "wall." I actually would have used a solid color, so it would be less distracting, but I didn't have any, so my Dayspring crosses had to do. Doesn't hurt to have Bible verses behind Ethan's words!!

Every time we add new words to his weekly spelling, we will add them to our wall. Of course, if we run out of space all we have to do is hang up more wrapping paper! I'm trying to group the words according to kind: pronouns, colors, position words.

This will be "officially" added to our schedule now, in the morning routine. And more on that later, perhaps in the next Works for Wendy Wednesday! :-)


Anonymous said...

It looks great!

Anonymous said...

awesome! i need this one!

how old is he again? (once again, comparing my teaching ability with others!)

Wendy said...

Thanks, Tob! :-)

Ethan is 6-years old, kindergarten.

A friend pointed out that the flip side of the wrapping paper would have been a solid color, if that's what I wanted. Uh, yeah. Didn't think of that. Oh, well, Ethan can benefit from the crosses and Scripture! ;-)

Ann-Marie said...

I think the crosses are great! What a great way to remember...what is it again?...words? Right! Oh,maybe I need a word wall! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.