My dear Mimi just made and sent this awesome chef's hat with matching apron and pot holder!! Woo-hoo!! Now the little man has another incentive to get busy in the kitchen with me! Last night we made "Red Lobster biscuits," homemade pizza, and rolls!
Thank you, Mimi!
Few things are better than cooking with your 7 yr old! Diego is a cook too, and I love that!
Jaslyn loves to cook, too! Then again, so did Remmy and Rendi at her age. They still do, really, but they don't like what follows....THE CLEAN UP!!! ;-)
How cute!
Hoowwwww do you make Red Lobster bisquits?!!??? Tell me, tell me!
Do you always spell biscuits like that? Ah, the joy of jabbing a sister. ;-)
I'll post the recipe! :-)
I've only recently discovered those biskettes(a third and alternate spelling) myself. Can you send that little feller over here right now because now I've got a hankerin' and they'd be a great addition to my dinner! :~p
He looks so cute as a chef!
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