Things are starting to turn green again, y'all!!
The breeze on top of the dam felt wonderful, and we took our snack/water break up there,
while watching boats go by, and rappellers descend.
THIS is why I stay in Arkansas.
I dislike the cold, wet lingering winters (I know, you Northerners, I am a wimp!!)
but I looooove the forests and hills, boulders and bluffs, rivers and caves. I love the abundant sunshine and gorgeous views. The Ozarks are truly one of the most beautiful places in the world, especially when everything turns bright and blooming. {sigh} Can't wait.
Two of my four kids looking. ha. It's hard to get the whole crew still and facing the same direction!
Oh, spring, hurry along!! I had to wear gloves on my bike ride again today, and I'd much rather don the tank top and shorts again instead!!

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