Friday, November 16, 2007

Goose bumps

Today has been one of those days just so full of blessings. I feel like God has literally been pouring them out on my head, with a steady stream so strong that it has knocked me again and again down on my knees in thanksgiving. I don't have many days when I feel so obviously blessed. Sure, I know God is always listening and He is always here... but today I could see my PROOF.

It started with Mothering Matters. Such a wonderful group. Such wonderful people. These women have such a desire to live their lives for God, and be the best wives they can to their husbands. I love being surrounded by such prayer warriors. So, anyway, that just started my day off right.

Then I got two large portrait orders, plus two referrals. So now I have money coming in from the second job, and more appointments set up for the next month. This is huge to me. Evidence that I'm on the right track. I prayed about it, God opened doors. I prayed more, and He opened more doors. Then I thanked Him, and He opened doors that I didn't know existed. I can only imagine His delight with our giddy surprise.

Then we got the biggest and best news of all: My precious Mimi is cancer-free!!! The cat scans came back showing "NED" (No Evidence of Disease). That is HUGE. Pancreatic cancer is a killer. It is harsh and fast. As much as I tried to deny that and distance myself, I couldn't shake the horrible fear that I could lose my grandmother. I love her so much. She is young, energetic, youthful, creative, caring... she is not done here on earth!! Through the whole cancer thing, she has had repeated miracles. Most people do not catch pancreatic cancer in time to do surgery. But she did. Then she started chemo, but has been handling it incredibly!-- did I mention that she is a very young 70-year old? She gets very very tired with the chemo, but that just means that she might be feeling her age for awhile. She hasn't had some of the more horrible symptoms that I have read about. And now this. Cat scans show no more cancer. She has a new lease on life. Praise God!!

I was so jittery after getting that news, I decided to take the little boys on a walk. On the way out I checked the mail. We had a reimbursement for over $200. Amazing. Just enough to cover a bill that was 4-months overdue. I literally fell to my knees by my mailbox, and then rushed inside to call my parents. God. is. so. good. So many blessings in one day. I could barely handle it. I LOVE days like this. I just feel like my body is tingling.

I know I will still have off days, not all of my prayers will be answered, and I will falter and fail... but I am not going to forget this day. This wonderful day.

And I thank you all for your prayers for my Mimi. "Where two or more are gathered in prayer, there I am in the midst of them..."


Ann-Marie said...

Wow, Wendy! What an amazing and encouraging post. As Paul said, "Rejoice with those who rejoice!"

I tear'd up when I read about Mimi. Praise the Lord, indeed. And "angel" money is always a blessing.

Rejoicing with you from far way!

Wendy said...

I'm still psyched about all of this (and will be for years.) Thanks for being happy with me!! :-)