Tuesday, September 11, 2007

donning slippers

I opened the windows this morning and, within an hour, the temperature dropped 10 degrees in the house... from 77 to 67. Wow. So we pulled out our long-sleeved shirts. Very neat. We had to interrupt our lessons to slide on the kitchen floor with our super fluffy socks.

And then we had a tea party.

By the time Fred got home, it was upper 70s outside, so we all took a walk together. After a chili dinner, we went back outside to play Top Toss and let the kids dig in the dirt and run around until bath time.

I love this kind of weather. I love summer, too, but I'm usually getting tired of the 100 degree weather around the time that school starts back up. I like to be able to go outside and sit at the picnic table while we do lessons. I love taking walks, playing frisbee, riding bikes. And I especially like it when Fred does all of that stuff with me, which only happens when it's fairly cool outside. The best time of day is when the shadows get long, the air gets cool, and crickets start to sing...


Ann-Marie said...

Fall is the Soderstrom household's favorite season, too. I can't get over how much the cooler weather makes me a happier person. :-) Although, I would like to have a tea party more often!

Just what are those Woods up to? said...

this weather makes me so happy!!! and so do tea parties and sliding on the floor; i wish owen, scarlett, and i had been there, too.

ok, isabelle needs to stop being so photogenic. that's a gorgeous picture of her, which makes me want to paint it, but i have too many other projects lined up!

Arato Girl said...

I love fall. I hope it ends up being a colorful one. Everybody seems to be more energetic and cheerful since the weather has started cooling off. Vu and I took a five-mile walk last night and the night before and noticed a lot of happy couples jogging or playing with their kids outside. I'm very happy for myself and everybody else and I hope it lasts.

Wendy said...

Does everyone have their windows open? It feels great. And the cool morning air, with sun on my face... aww...

I'm big on tea parties. My grandparents got me started on that when I was little and I've kept it up (you can ask October!)