Okay, yes, I have been neglecting cyber world. I've been using my "free time" (ha) to work on Photoshop, learn all the settings of the camera, and doing appointments.
Last night I stayed up much too late, working on some extra pose packages, and fees, etc. I only get free time at night, so I have to choose whether to use it learning and working, or sleeping. What a trade off. I'll have to catch up this weekend.
ANYWAY, I told you this would be random. ;-) Today I enjoyed doing appointments for my ForgetMeNots Photography for the Burden family and Lisa's family. Yea! The weather was perfect, the trees were gorgeous in the background, and the kids were experienced posers! Talk about an easy job! Cade got kinda fussy, b/c it was past naptime, but he cooperated very well and I ended up with lotsa smilin' baby pics.
Stacy told me about Vista print, which has been an awesome resource for me. I highly recommend it to anyone starting a business. Sorry I'm not including links, I'm short on time.
In other news, my sister's car broke down when she was on her way out of town on Sunday. So they borrowed my parents' car this week. Guess what was wrong with theirs? It was OUT OF GAS. Ha! Julie, I'd say it's about time to get that gas gauge fixed!
What else is going on? Trevor just turned 3!! Yikes! Like I said in a previous post, I believe the Terrible Twos MUST pass now. So far so good, he seems to be settling down a bit.
Next Tuesday Fred and I will have our 10 Year Anniversary. It's been a LOOOOONG 10 years. Haha. Just kidding. He's great and every year gets better. I can't wait to go on our once-a-year date (no joke). I think we're going to head to Red Lobster and then just be gone somewhere for awhile.
Yesterday we went on a Nature Notebook field trip to Natural Falls. It was the PERFECT day for it! I love that area, and I spent a good deal of the hike just snapping pictures. After we hiked with the group, the kids and I went back down alone to explore and take more photos. Then we did our notebooks up by the picnic tables. I'm so happy to be a part of that group!
Last night we had the Dalrymples over for a grill/ firepit night. Their three girls are SO sweet! I mean, they are just all so caring and quiet and precious (totally unlike my kids... j/k) Isabelle wants to adopt them as sisters. :-) I wouldn't mind either!
So that brings me back around, kind of, to the present time. Hey, I told you I was sleep-deprived and this would be random. But there you go. Tomorrow we are having Kayla and Eric over in the afternoon. And Monday starts another busy school-week for us.
I hope you all have a great next week! I promise pictures soon. I already added several of our field trip ones to my Photography site. I'll add some family/group pictures soon, too!