Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'm so tired. Another weekend of fun, busy things.

I've been crafting, crafting. In fact, we've been trying to fit in at least one fun craft each day, after school work. It's a great motivator for the kids (and me.) So far we've made Little Lad into a magnet baby, that we can dress up. And we've painted houses on our windows. And made scrapbook-y pumpkins to display. And painted wooden blocks, houses, and other nifty shapes. But my back-up drive is unplugged and my camera is in the other room. I am tired. I just need tea and a good book. This will be an early night. Pictures soon.

OH, and my hubby, Nature Man and my dad went on a float trip with cub scouts today. Nature Man's first float trip!! He L-O-V-E-D it!! Wish I had pictures, but I couldn't risk the camera going along. Good thing, too, because they came home drenched.


Just what are those Woods up to? said...

You better really mean it. You better be in bed right now, young lady! But I really doubt you are. (-:

Ann-Marie said...

Cub Scouts are cool! I mean, I never was one, but...I know some, and they are cool.

Wendy said...

Julie, you would be proud. I drank a cup of tea and read a book until 10pm and then went to bed!!

Ann-Marie, you are so right. Cubbies are awesomely rockin'.