Saturday, May 21, 2011


When we went to Lake Fayetteville a week or so ago, my middle boys got interested in the honeysuckle that was covering every tree and fence on the trail. (Never mind that it's also growing all over our back fence at home.) For the first time, they wanted to try it. YAY! Another thing I can share with my kids, from my childhood.
After showing them several times how to pinch at the bottom of the flower, and slowly pull the "thread" through to the end, pushing the nectar out the bottom, they got the hang of it... And stopped every five seconds or so to eat more honeysuckle.

May we never stop enjoying the "little things" that really aren't so little.

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.”
Walt Streightiff

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson


fee @ chipper nelly said...

I had never heard of this until this week (and have just read it for the second time) so am gonna go try it - with all the wonder and excitement of a child!
fee x

silly eagle books said...

My daughter was obsessed with honeysuckle this year. :) I always love when it blooms--reminds me of my childhood, too.


Just what are those Woods up to? said...

I remember how I used to love honeysuckle! Lake Fay.'s pretty great, huh?